Friday, October 15, 2010

short biography of Nietzsche

There is a short biography of Nietzsche at the end of my e-book.

His father and grandfather were both Lutheran ministers
Age 20-He studied theology at the Univeristy of Bonn but by the second semester shifts to philology (the study of language and literary texts)
Age 21-Nietzsche transfers to the Univ of Leipzig to study classical philoloogy and tries to study music there.
Nietzsche is a composer and a pianist
Age 23--Nietzsche enlists in an artillery regiment but later is discharged for injuries

Age 24--appointed as professor in Philology at Basel University
Nietzsche renounces his German citizenship to become Swiss. But because of residency technicality he never becomes a Swiss citizen and so remains officially stateless for the rest of his life
Nietzsche becomes a vegetarian but it gives it up.
Age 25-He volunteers for the German side in the Franco-Prussion war
Age 26-He applies for a position as philosophy professor but is unsuccessful
Age27--students start avoiding Nietzsche's classes over the controversy of a book
Age 28-Ritschl reports Nietzsche is becoming unpopular the the university
Age 29--Nietzsche votes in favor of admitting women to doctoral programs
Age 31-He requests a year's leave from the university
Age 32-He leaves wth his new Jewish friend and scholar Paul a community of free spirits Sorrento, Italy
To help his eye condition, doctors recommend absolute avoidance of reading and writing for many years
Age 33--'Human, All Too Human' is published
Submits resignation to univ on grounds of ill health

Age 35-Nietzsche goes to live in Venice
Age 37--The Gay Science is published
Age 39--He breaks again with his sister (after her engagement to the anti-semite Bernhard Forster)
Zarathustra Book 2 is published
Age 41-He begins Beyond Good And Evil
Age 42-Beyond Good and Evil is published
Age 44- He starts Ecce Homo. The Antichrist is published. Ecce Homo is published
On a street in Turin, Italy Nietzsche collapses unconscious.
Age 44 to 54--His mental and physical condition progressively worsens leaving him helpless and unable to write conherently
Age 55--he dies

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